Costa Rica

Playa Grande
Jan. 9-15, 2025
There is something about this small corner of the world that opens hearts and rejuvenates spirits. The common phrase "Pura Vida" or Pure Life is not only found in the lifestyle, but the in land and the food as well.
Our retreat is held at the Ripjack Inn, which is located in the Las Baulas National Park. The park was designed to protect the endangered Leather Back Sea Turtle who still nest on Playa Grande Beach. If you walk the beach at sunrise there is a good chance that you will see the baby turtles on there long journey to the sea.
Punta Banco- Jan. 2-9, 2025
How would you like to live in a rain forest for a week? Learn to make chocolate from bean to bar. Shower in an open air bathroom with rain forest views. Visit squirrel monkeys and wild life on your walk to lunch. Explore the rain forest at day and night with a local naturalist. Live without a TV and allow the natural world around you to provide all of the entertainment that you need. Eat fresh and local, every day, every meal. Learn to make tortillas from the women of the local village. Change how you view the world and the people who live in it in just one week.